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Charity is Fun!

Chris Hatton

Who knew hanging paper on doorknobs or gathering cans and bags of groceries for the less fortunate could actually be a highlight memory for kids. Basically any excuse to run around together with your friends on a crisp Autumn morning and act like goofballs for a good cause is worth getting out of your pajamas. Actually my son never did get out of his pajamas, we just threw a Scout sweatshirt overtop.

Pickup fun

I actually think with the amount of Scouts we now have, we need to add more maps and more territory to the food drive. They would gladly hit more houses as long as they get to hang out of the trunk of my SUV or poke their head out of the sunroof as i drive 2 MPH.

Drop-off Dedication

Even dropoffs are a kick as you plot out how to conquer your map systematically and cover all your houses as fast as possible and go back for another map (or get done early). Charity ain't no chore for a Cub Scout.




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