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Submit your pack dues online:

Venmo: @Pack462
Will appear under the name: Michael Wilson (treasurer).
Other expenses, such as camping fees can also be paid through Venmo at a later time.
Download a
Welcome Brochure
to learn more
Register Today
$95 National: Please pay annually within online registration directly 
$85 Pack 462: Please pay via Venmo 
Combined Dues Total: 
Sibling Discounts: Save $20 

This is only a $20 increase for the 2024-25 season.

When do I pay?
New Scouts: (no New Scout Fee!) â€‹
Please pay all dues up front when signing up
• Returning Scouts: 
Please pay Pack in September at beginning of each season
   and National at annual online re-registration. Most will receive an
   email reminder around January 1st from Scouting America. However,    depending on when you signed up, it will be on your anniversary. 

How do I register?
Youth Registration               

$95 per child.
Click above. Complete the form. 
Submit it directly to the national.

Leader Registration
0$. Volunteering is free in Pack 462.  
Download and complete the form and email it to us. Adult leaders must also submit Pennsylvania child safety clearances. We'll submit your registration and clearances together and pay the national on your behalf. Then please complete Youth Protection Training through the BSA website. 


What comes with Registration?​

Each new scout will receive a class B pack T-shirt, Pack 462 Baseball Cap, and every year they'll receive a new neckerchief and slide. Class A uniforms are encouraged but not included in your dues. Participation in fundraising counts toward Cubsidies, which help pay for additional costs throughout the Scout Season.

What other costs should I expect?​

You will be expected to donate your time toward fundraising. At least 1 shift minimum for Popcorn Sales and a 1 hour shift at Haverford Twp. Day and/or Heritage Festival. You may be asked to donate soda/water toward those fundraisers. Big campouts and events will have pass-through costs for participants only - to cover costs of meals and activities.


What do we hope to do with the money?​

The Pack's primary focus is simply to fund the annual program and maintain a secure financial base to offset any rising costs or upfront expenses throughout the Scout Season. Any additional surplus from fundraising successes will be saved to support purchase of essential equipment, such as a new Pinewood Derby Track and camping/cooking equipment.

Donate Today

Simply support the Pack or buy some popcorn. 

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Whether you are an official member of Pack 462 Havertown, a former one all grown up, or just a casual fan of Scouting who stumbled upon this website, we welcome any and all support. Every little bit counts towards making Pack 462 Havertown the best and most engaging Cub Scout Pack out there. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with us if you’ve got any questions. You don't have to go door-to-door selling popcorn unless you really want to. There's an internet for that.


Venmo: @Pack462
(Co-Treasurer BeckyPham)


©2022 by Pack 462 Havertown. Proudly created with

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